Wednesday, November 08, 2006

For Kline, It Won't Be Business As Usual

I'm disappointed with the outcome of the election in CD2's congressional race. It baffles me that the voting public would buy Kline's negative campaign against a FBI agent like Coleen Rowley. But I do know one thing:

John Kline and congressmen of his ilk are a species on the brink of extinction.

Some that Kline stood with are now fallen, with more to follow. In addition, many of the corrupted rank and file that supported Kline are gone, defeated in this election.

Plus both major committees that Kline sits on (the House Armed Services Committee and the Education and the Workforce Committee) will have new leadership. And Democrat Nancy Pelosi will be the new majority leader in the US House.

It won't be business as usually for John, he'll probably still rubber stamp whatever the the Preznit wants, but without bi-partisan support, nothing will fly. I also fully expect Michele Bachmann and John Kline to form an alliance as both are radical fringe folks that pathologically lie and distort issues.

I'd like to think that maybe now Kline will address the needs of this community instead of corporate America and big business. But I doubt that Kline will changed course. We'll still be here to tell the truth.

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