Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Let's Hope We've All Learn!

But despite all this, I have faith most Americans will understand that folks who speak or leak before the investigative system is given a chance to work are nothing but destroyers of morale - opportunists who hurt real people with real families to further their agendas. And to paint all the troops with one broad brush, as happened to an extent in Vietnam, is so very wrong

That's part of a long Laura Armstrong's rant and I can't help but wonder if Powerline would have it apply to John Kline doing this?

Does appear that Kline is speaking out before the investigation is concluded as the Bu$h administrations point person. Yep that’s Kilne… “destroyers of morale - opportunists who hurt real people with real families to further their agendas.”

hat tip to Paul at Powerline. Keep 'em coming!

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