Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Had Enough of Kline?

John Kline needs a big 2do like this Friday's McCain visit to bolster his fading numbers. Even his own faithful are deserting him like Kevin Masrud. Over the last several weeks many republicans have contacted the Sarvi campaign saying the can no longer support Kline's lack of leadership, his fiscal irresponsibility, and his lack of community support. In short, they've had enough.

How about you?

1 comment:

Kevin Masrud said...

Both Kline and Sarvi support the abomination we call the "Bail-Out Bill."
Now we have a write-in candidate who is willing to stand up and say NO! We don't want to borrow a trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street bankers on the backs of hard-working Americans. Even if there were a guarantee it would work to glue the bubble back together, (and there's not) the Bail-Out is socialism, and it's WRONG.

Please write-in KEVIN MASRUD for Congress on November 4th.