Would a Conservative....
Enjoy government subsidized health care that most American’s can only dream about while leading the rally to take health care away and deny health care for the rest of us!
- Deny unemployment benefits to millions of Americans saying we all need to tighten our belts during tough economic times, while spending more public tax money on his staffing.
- Let bridges fall down, Americans don’t need no ‘stinking earmarks!’..er..unless it’s for big corporations to build unwanted and not needed war toys like F-22s fighter jets.
- Use random polling from self-selected anonymous web users at tax payers expense, instead of the American constitution to determine his political party’s policy and issues.
John Kline has been in office for eight years with all the responsibility and authority that comes with his position. He would like us to believe he is all about stopping wasteful government spending but in fact, he’s part of that problem. While Kline has been asking us to prepare for the coming economic downturn, he hasn't bother to tighten his own belt...just ours. The message is clear, Kline can't walk his own talk when it comes to being a fiscal conservative.