Monday, April 03, 2006

Kline Lacking In Traditional Minnesota Values

While Congressman John Kline (MN R) announces a third Congressional bid here, another article caught my eye and then another. Can Minnesota really afford more of the "conservative yet independent” Bu$hCo rubber stamp named John Kline?
“It’s a blend of suburban to rural, and that’s largely how I grew up,” Kline said. “I found it very easy to identify with the values of the people who live there.”
Unfortunately, the people who live here are finding it harder and harder to identify with Kline’s lack of traditional Minnesota values. Recent polling shows Kline's approval rating hooving with his mentor Bu$h with only a third of the voters in the district are ready to re-elect him.

ST. PAUL — Ramsey County will lose a quarter of its child protection and child support enforcement workers because Congress has slashed funding, local officials and union leaders say. The result of a $90 million cut in human services funding will be felt across the state, they predicted.

"We will lose 45 people – 25 percent of our staff" in child protection and child support enforcement because of an $8.2 million reduction in funding, Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner said at a news conference Thursday. "That's 600 families per case worker that won't be receiving the child support services at the level they deserve . . . Not as many cases will be investigated when child abuse is suspected."

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