Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Kline Votes Partisan and Cronyism...totally!

GOP State Representative Patrick Garofalo's had a recent letter to the editor in This Week that praised John Kline for making principled votes. I guess they couldn't find a nonpartisan person to pen this lie...

Here's was a nice response:

Congressman John Kline has taken $40,000 from Tom DeLay's ARMPAC. Money which he refused to give back or foward on to charity. That makes it no surprise that Kline voted with Tom DeLay 96% of the time between Jan. 1 2004 and March 31 2005.

Mr. Kline also voted to weaken the ethics rules to protect Tom Delay. And only when it became apparent that their attempts to gut house ethic rules would fail did Kline 'flip-flop' and voted to put the old rules back in place. In fact, when Democrats offered a solution to clean up the House by strengthening ethics rules, Mr. Kline voted twice to make sure it never even came to an up or down vote.

I would also offer up Mr. Kline's voting record of over 90% with the Bush administration shows a repeated pattern of cronyism and partisan voting instead of bipartisan efforts to get our government working for us. Apparently Kline does need Patrick Garofalo partisan letter to the editor 'to defend him' as Kline's votes are anything but 'principled'. This is not the kind of representation working families deserve deserve.


Rook said...

Hello! The name is Rook. I happen to have John "I carried the briefcase" Kline as a representative. I know he has been a butt munch since day one of taking office. What I wouldn't give to see him voted out of office.

Rook said...

Oh, my blog is