While touting his military background and spouting off about supporting the troops...once again Congressman John Kline turns his back on helping our veterans with disabilities by NOT supporting or sponsoring
the ADA Restoration Act.

The act (ADA) has been weaken during the Bush administration in its ability to protect people with disabilities who experience work-related discrimination. Many people with disabilities and medical conditions find that they are "too disabled" in the eyes of their employers and "not disabled enough" to be covered by the ADA.
A hearing of the ADA Restoration Act (
HR. 3195;
S. 1881) will be held in the House Education and Labor Committee this morning. The hearing will be broadcast live and archived on the committee
website. Request that Congressman Kline actually 'walks his talk' and supports the ADA Restoration Act.
As a member of the House Education and Labor Committee and not yet a cosponsor of the ADA Restoration Act, Kline is showing voters just how much he DOESN'T support Americans with disabilities including disabled veterans. Shame on Congressman Kline!